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For women only: Authentic Leadership Workshops & Programmes

Empower the women in your organisation to step into their full potential as women leaders - be it for a Lunchtime Workshop, a full Leadership Day or in a transformative programme over 3 months. Let’s talk about what you need to lead the change in your organisation.

For more authentic, feminine leadership in your organisation

Inspirational Women Leadership Workshops

This is more than just classic “women empowerment”: rather than teaching women how to become ‘tougher‘ and ‘stronger‘ to succeed, every workshop is designed to inspire and remind the participating women of the powerful leadership qualities that they already have - their empathy, their sensitivity and their authenticity in the workplace.

No matter if you plan to organise a 90-minute Lunchtime Session or a Full Women Leadership Away-Day: as a host, I’ll ensure that every format creates a safe space in which the participants can openly share their experience, learn from each other and leave empowered, inspired and with concrete tools on how to feel more confident as women leaders in challenging professional situations.

  • “The Only Woman in the Room Training”

    “Stop Saying ‘Sorry’ Training”

    “Public Speaking Secrets for Women”

    Scroll down further down on this page to read the detailed descriptions of each workshop.

    Fees start from 2500 Euros per workshop. Get in touch to request a tailor-made quote that fits your plans.

Women Leadership Programme

The 3-month programme supports 14 women to confidently drive impact in a challenging, sometimes male-dominated senior work environment, to grow their belief in themselves and to build their very own definition of success for their career.

  • The power of this programme lies in the experience that participants make over 3 months in Leadership Trainings, group exercises and 1-1 mentoring support.

    As a participant, you will

    • experience how powerful you already are in your natural feminine leadership skills;

    • experience the power of expressing yourself with your authentic voice and confidence while feeling supported and safe;

    • get clarity on your career vision and goals, re-write your own success story and feel ready to take your bold next career steps.

    The 3-month programme is hosted by Helene Banner, Women Confidence Mentor, Keynote Speaker and former spokesperson at the European Commission, who has accompanied more than 100 impressive women in leadership positions intimately over the past 3.5 years on their journey to unfolding their full potential.

1-1 Mentoring for Women

There is a powerful woman in all of us already - and now it’s time to make her shine.

In a safe and confidential setting, I accompany women on their professional and personal journey over longer periods from 3 months onwards in tailor-made 1-1 sessions via Zoom.

Women who booked this programme in the past looked for guidance on big career decisions, on finding more purpose in their work, on feeling more confident in challenging professional situations and on overcoming difficult times due to exhaustion.

After only 3 months, powerful shifts can happen: we find our fire again, we shift our perspective on how powerful we already are and on how much more is possible for us.

You can book this programme privately or as a training via your organisation.

More than just “women empowerment”…

Let’s be honest…

Many classic “women empowerment trainings” teach women how to “survive” in alpha-dominated work cultures.

They train women to become “stronger”, “tougher” and “more assertive” in senior positions.

Why Helene’s Leadership Trainings are different

Instead of trying to “change” women, her inspiring work focuses on strengthening every woman to feel confident with the natural, feminine qualities they already have: their empathy, their emotional intelligence and their power to think in alliances rather than in competition.

These skills are more than just “soft skills”: they are solid leadership skills needed at the top of every organisation to create healthy work environments and allow balanced decisions that increase efficiency and profitability.

More than a “seminar”:

Helene Banner’s Leadership Trainings are an experience that profoundly change the participants’ perspectives on how powerful they already are.

Let us work together to support the women in your organisation to unfold their full potential.

Many women managers are “bilingual”….

…they speak the “language of power” of men, but they also have their own language of power. In my trainings, I support women how to “read” these languages of power, to feel more confident in their feminine strengths and to find their very own, authentic leadership voice as women leaders.


Why do we still need women-only trainings?

Many women say during my Leadership Trainings that they feel so understood and that they did not expect that so many other colleagues were struggling with the exact same challenges.

This is the power of a women-only space: only thanks to the safe environment do many women feel confident to open up.

This experience alone gives most women the confidence to then express themselves more confidently after the training.

Therefore, the intention is not to exclude men from the conversation. The intention is to allow every woman to experience that it’s safe to be herself in a professional context - so that she can fully thrive as a leader.

Pick a workshop:

  • Workshop Overview:

    Intimidating looks, power gestures and small comments can be sufficient to feel intimidated: this workshop supports women who work in a male-dominated environment to lead and communicate confidently. By finding their own leadership style as women, they will inspire more women in the room to speak up, too.

    More details:

    In this 90-minute workshop, participants receive concrete tips on how to lead and speak in intimidating work situations. Especially in meetings with only few women, many female colleagues are faced with subtle comments, odd looks or body language that can discourage them to speak and they rather hold themselves back.

    • After the session, participants will be able to “read” alpha power situations more easily, learn that they have not much to do with them and feel safer to express themselves.

    • In a safe, women-only space, this workshop provides all participants with a true confidence boost in their authentic qualities as women.

    • They will leave with a perspective change on how much their feminine leadership skills are needed in every meeting to make their organisation stronger.

    The result: a healthier work environment, more women colleagues in their full potential - and perhaps some men as well…

    Format: 90-120 minutes, online or in person

  • Workshop Overview: How to speak confidently on panels, in meetings and in presentations - as a woman with a powerful message?

    How to overcome the nervousness of speaking in front of a large audience and feeling judged?

    More details:

    This Leadership Session has been specifically designed to support women leaders to grow their public speaking confidence and to find their own speaking style in many male-dominated work situations.

    After an inspiring input by keynote speaker and former EU speechwriter Helene Banner, the participants will receive:

    • Presentation strategies and behind-the-scenes secrets to own a meeting room as a female speaker with a powerful contribution, a clear message and inner confidence;

    • Concrete tools to address self-doubt, imposter syndrome and pressure when preparing important presentations;

    • A powerful encouragement to make their voice heard, with a safe space to exchange experiences and ask questions.


    90-120 minutes, online or in person

  • Workshop Overview:

    “Sorry, I said ‘sorry’ again…” This Leadership Workshop uses the word “sorry” as a symbol to give women the permission to stop making themselves small and to claim more space in meetings and in their written communication - and to feel unapologetically comfortable with that space and their feminine leadership skills.

    More details:

    As women, our sentences often start by “Sorry, I just wanted to…”.

    We often say “sorry” to be polite - but the word "sorry" can make us look small although we are strong women. It can make us feel bad although sometimes it’s the other person who should be sorry. But once we replace that tiny word by powerful alternatives, it's magic to see how much our confidence as women will increase!

    This Leadership Workshop uses the word “sorry” as a symbol to give you the permission to take back the space you deserve in meetings and in your written communication.

    • Participants will receive powerful language that will make them feel more confident in meetings.

    • They will also grow their awareness on their boundaries by no longer apologising for their needs.

    • The workshop provides a safe space to start building self-worth independently from “what other people may think”. Participants will learn techniques which will allow them to step more and more into their own full potential and authentic leadership style.

    After the workshop, participants will have a new perspective on their feminine leadership strengths and will feel easier about showing them in their professional role.

    And that’s what we need in our organisations: women leaders who dare to be in their authentic, feminine power - unapologetically!


    90-120 minutes, online or in person

Quick facts

Every in-house workshop can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.

  • Length: A workshop takes ideally 90 minutes so that there is enough time for input, a-ha moments and exchange. If you need to fit it into a lunch break, we can adapt it to 60 minutes. In case you prefer a half-day training, we can achieve even more impact for your colleagues.

  • Format: online or in person

  • Number of participants: from 6 participants onwards

Your facilitator: Helene Banner


Helene founded her business „Let’s Just Be Imperfect, Ladies“ in 2020 to inspire more women to bring their feminine leadership style to their workplace - because empathy, emotional intelligence and vulnerability are so much needed in board room work cultures. 

In her Women Leadership and Mentoring Programmes, she supports women and men working in alpha-dominated work environments to find their confidence in their authentic leadership style and in their own definition of success.

Prior to her entrepreneurial life, Helene worked as a senior communication advisor at the European Commission in Brussels and Berlin for 10 years. She was an EU spokesperson and later a speechwriter for European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. In summer 2019, she advised Ursula von der Leyen in the weeks when she became the first female President of the European Commission in history. 

As a speaker and workshop host for organisations ranging from the Oxford Union Society, the German government, law firms and private sector champions, she brings male and female leaders together for a more open, transparent and diverse work culture in their organisations. 

Helene is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.

More detailed bio

PS: Make the change even more powerful.

To make the impact of the workshop last, you can also book a 3-month in-house Leadership Programme for the women in your organisation, an inspiring Keynote Speech on Authentic Leadership or a Diversity Leadership Roundtable for senior managers.

Get in touch to get a tailor-made in-house training for your leaders.

  • This programme supports 14 female mid-managers to drive impact in a challenging, mostly male-dominated senior work environment. Over three months, the participants will experience how powerful they are in their natural feminine leadership skills, how to express themselves with confidence in meetings and in challenging situations and the power of establishing their individual career goals.

  • This inspirational Keynote Speech is an invitation to change perspective on who we see as a “successful leader”.

    Do we keep rewarding those colleagues who are the most visible, rational-minded and competitive? Or are we open to also promote colleagues who are humble, vulnerable and more silent leaders - those who dare to express emotions, to admit mistakes and who prefer to collaborate instead of compete?

    In her speech, Helene Banner gives us the inspiration and courage to dare to open up a new idea of leadership: a work culture that rewards authenticity, empathy and imperfection in leadership positions - for both men and women.

    Daring to change our definition of a “successful leader” will not only be the key to achieve more diversity in decision-making positions. Authentic leaders will also give the permission to more colleagues to be “themselves” at work, which in turn will inspire and attract more team members to show their full talent.

    At the end of her speech, Helene will show three concrete ways on how we can achieve this together - so that from tomorrow, more colleagues can thrive in their full potential.

  • How can your organisation become more attractive for diverse leaders at the top?

    Seeking more women in management positions, achieving more diversity in decision-making power, attracting younger talents - many will agree that achieving these goals goes beyond a mere “box-ticking” exercise.

    Many will also agree that these topics bear taboos and “elephants in the room”. However, we rarely have time and space to openly ask questions and discuss concerns around gender equality and diversity measures as top managers in our organisation.

    This closed-door leadership roundtable offers a confidential space...

    • to become more familiar with key concepts around diversity & inclusion, and to increase the awareness for the challenges that staff is facing in terms of discrimination;

    • to provide a forum for senior managers to openly address their questions and to share their perspectives and concerns on diversity and inclusion;

    • to give them the vocabulary and the confidence to be leaders in this transition towards more diverse leadership in their organisation.

Get in touch to truly empower the women in your team.

What do you need for your colleagues? Be it for an in-person workshop, an online training or an inspiring video - I am looking forward to working with you to hit your training goals towards true diversity and inclusion.